Video, Timelapse en Photography

Heavy lift – Maritime

load test 125 Mton water bag


load test 125 Mton water bag

Location:  Rotterdam harbour

Client: Hendrik Veder Group


HEBOLIFT 7 – Lifting Capacity 300 ton

SALUTE – Tug 1 x 960hp

HEBO-P60 – Pontoon









load test 125 Mton water bag

contact us buttonPaul Poels video- en photography: 

GPI en VCA certified and in possession of all PPE

A1A3 & A2 Drone flight license

I have all the video, timelapse and photography equipment to capture extensive but also smaller Infrastructure, Heavy-Lift, Construction or Civil Engineering projects.

For various clients I make monthly Update videos, Timelapse videos and Photo reports

load test 125 Mton water bag

Infra Structure – Heavy Lift – Construction – Civil Engineering – Maritime

Photography, Timelapse and Video